Monday, July 7, 2014

Did a lot of traveling these last few days. On Friday we entered Alberta and drove to the Dinosaur Park. This is a huge area of land with lots of sandstone, absolutely breathtaking to see. Sort of reminded me of the grand canyon (of course not as big). It is in this area that a large amount of dinosaur bones have been found in the last number of years. They have identified more than 56 different varieties of dinosaurs, some plant eating and some flesh eating; some huge and some smaller. This area is world famous and bones from the site have been sent to museums all over the world. We saw a complete skeleton of a baby dinosaur, which was about 8 feet long. We went on a 2 hour bus tour of the area, and saw many more bones imbedded in the sandstone, as well as a complete rib cage and vertebrae in one area and an almost complete skeleton in another area. We also saw what we thought was a log lying on the ground but when we tried to pick up a piece we realized that it was a log that had fossilized and turned to stone. Just fascinating! Saturday we drove to Edmonton. Listened to the big Holland-Costa Rica game on the radio while driving. Since it was a 6 hour journey for us, listening to the game made the time go quickly. Even better was that Holland won! We visited with Jerry, the man that Eddy immigrated to Canada with 45 years ago. He still lives in Edmonton. Great catching up with him. Monday we will travel to Jasper and Banff and stay for the week.
dinosaur bones

cactus growing in the badlands

dinosaur park

incredible to actually hold these bones

badlands landscape: this is a hoodo (sandstone rock with a iron ore cap on top)

dinosaur ribs

complete skeleton

wonderful campsite in Brooks Alberta

speed limit on highways
sandstone rock landscape dinosaur park

Jerry and Eddy: note the orange shirt-Holland had just won the soccer game!

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