Monday, July 21, 2014

We have been in Coldstream (suburb of Vernon) BC for the last few days visiting our friends John and Tina. I have known Tina since 1967 when we were both nursing students in Hamilton; a long time! Vernon and surrounding area is absolutely beautiful; I would move here in a flash if it wasn't for my dear kids and grandkids! It is surrounded by high hills, mountains and lakes. Just a really nice area of the country and now we can understand that once John and Tina moved out here there was no moving back to Hamilton! The forest fire situation has been bad in BC. More than 400 forest fires now, often been started by a carelessly thrown cigarette. People have been evacuated from their homes in the city of Kelowna, which is about 50 km from Vernon. But it has rained overnight, the extreme heat is gone so most of them are now under control.
on the ferry going across a lake: the only way to get to where we were going

mountain on one side, sheer drop on the other: yikes!

smoke from forest fires as we drove through the mountains on the way toVernon

incredible scenery around Vernon

view of Coldstream

surrounding hills

John and Tina; friends from way back

having a great time
since 1967!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are having a terrific time. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
